Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Political Wednesday Ron Paul Update 10/25/11

Submitted by: Francis Soyer

As a follow up to the last post as we anger to put some perspective on the 2012 elections see the below. My take away from researching Ron Paul is that given how our media intentionally ignores him gives me the signal that he will be the one to be elected president. Why? because he stands for the very document that made this country break away from England and become the greatest power on earth. What is that document? It is the U.S. Constitution. Read it you will not be disappointed and it is this citizen journalists opinion that you will realize just how brilliant our founding fathers were.

I have contributed to his campaign to the point where my gums bled, and the funny thing is that as far as campaign contributions he is absolutely blowing away all other republican candidates by multiples and these contributions are not coming from special interests. They are coming by way of $10 and $15 donations FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND ME! No wonder why Ronald Reagan liked him....

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