Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Update on BAC 10/19/11

Submitted by: Francis Soyer

It has been a while since I wrote about BAC. To be exact the last time I wrote about this POS of a stock was on Jan 21, 2011. Everything you need to know about BAC is in the original article at the link posted above. In short BAC is going to zero. Or if it does not achieve a $0.00 price target it will be nationalized at something far below it's current price of 6.40. When I wrote the article BAC was $14.25 a share. Now it is a single digit midget.

The question I had asked was, if the senior management who earned millions on an annual basis was not buying why should we? The answer is $14.25 in Jan 2011 to the current price of $6.40 and going lower.

Bank Of America's $8.5 Billion Settlement Deal Falls Apart

Tyler Durden's picture

While Morgan Stanley only recently became a second derivative for everything European-related (thank you financial short selling ban in Europe, and also thank you Mr. Gorman for updating investors on your firm's $39 billion gross derivative exposure to French banks (not France the country). What's that? You didn't provide one? Oh, our bad, just as it is "anonymous bloggers" bad that your CDS blew out this quarter and generated over $3 billion in "income" for your firm - you are truly welcome), Bank of America has, for quite a while, been a proxy for all that is wrong with America's mortgage industry, courtesy of that most value-destroying purchase of the insolvent criminal entity that was Countrywide Financials. For a while the market was content that the proxy would not be in need of a shallow grave, unlike the US housing market (go ahead, ask where PrimeX closed today), after the bank managed to bribe enough "plaintiffs" and proceed with a quick and painless $8.5 billion settlement on all of its mortgage putback claims. A settlement that, however, had a very weak link: "Article 77", a critical provision enabling the deal in its current form. And as we first reported and explained back on August 26, said weakest link was attacked by David Grais of Walnut Place, who "filed a request to transfer the lawsuit from State Court to Federal Court where everything basically begins a new." Well, today Grais won, and Bank of America lost after US District Judge William Pauley ruled that "Bank of America Corp.’s proposed $8.5 billion settlement with Countrywide Financial Corp. mortgage-bond investors must be considered in federal court instead of the New York state court where it was first filed." Not content with making a factual statement, the Judge proceeded to skewer the bank which, on top of evertyhing, recently decided to stuff its depositors with a bill as large as $53 trillion should things turn sour, added "The settlement agreement at issue here implicates core federal interests in the integrity of nationally chartered banks and the vitality of the national securities markets."  Integrity? From a bank which secretly, though with the Fed's blessing, has tried to put its client interests over those of depositors of over $1 trillion, and over the objections of the FDIC? Don't make us laugh.
The good news is that yet another rating downgrade is imminent once the rating agencies realize that as a result of the Article 77 clause elimination, BofA is now on the hook for tens, if not hundreds of billions in putback liabilities and civil liability exposure, and potentially the forced bankruptcy of its Countrywide unit. In other words: the financial meltup over the past 2 weeks was fun while it lasted.
While it is of secondary relevance, and interested readers can read more in the attached ruling, the specific reason for why Pauley demonstrated balls of brass is explained by Alison Frankel:
The settlement agreement at issue here implicates core federal interests in the integrity of nationally chartered banks and the vitality of the national securities markets," Pauley wrote. "A controversy touching on these paramount federal interests should proceed in federal court."…That sentiment infuses the judge's analysis of where BofA's proposed deal should be evaluated…before Pauley in federal court, where there's no analogous procedure for binding thousands of investors in 530 trustees to a settlement only 22 of them had a hand in negotiating. Pauley's decision to keep the case in federal court throws the settlement off the carefully-designed track the bank, the trustee, and the investor group that supports the deal hoped to keep it on.

Pauley seemed to find the settlement supporters' Article 77 gambit to have been too clever by half. He noted that his research uncovered only 28 Article 77 decisions in the last 40 years, many of which involved uncontested proceedings and garden-variety trust administration issues. He said, in fact, that he could find no authority to support the idea that a single Article 77 proceeding can be used to evaluate a decision affecting 530 trusts…Pauley concluded, however, that BNY Mellon was once again looking at form rather than substance, calling its argument "crabbed." Walnut Place, he wrote, was adverse to BNY Mellon, the Article 77 plaintiff, so it is a defendant for the purposes of removal…

If the Second Circuit upholds the ruling, it's very bad news for BofA. Given the harsh treatment Pauley has dished out to settlement supporters in two hearings and in Wednesday's ruling, it's clear the lawyers who crafted the $8.5 billion dollar deal have a long way to go before they get Pauley to sign off.”
While the clear loser here is Bank of America, and those who are long the stock and short the CDS, the winners are once again all those monolines whose full putback claims are about to see multiple expansion. Especially those with massive short interest, and whose core investors are in dire need of any form of short squeeze to bring their overall P&L higher.
Below is the full Pauley ruling blasting everything that is corrupt at Bank of America, and those collusive "plaintiff" who sought nothing less than to find a solution that barely dents Bank of America. You know who you are.

Gold and Silver Update evening 10/19/11

This pretty much sums up today's activity...

Bob Chapman : "as usual your government is attacking the market , it attacked commodities very hard as well , the reason is this Situation in Europe is Terminal , they said they are reorganize the banks which means they are going to save them all , the bankers in wall street and in the City of London they own your life they own your existence and it is going to get worse not better the manipulation will continue until they can't do it anymore , the inflation will continue until they can't do it anymore and you are going to have the media full of charlatans until they can't do it anymore and if Ron Paul is not elected you better get ready for a revolution ...."

OWS Update 10/19/11

Submitted by: Francis Soyer

And this it what things have come to... While Occupy Wall Street has received very little attention in the media or reported and marginalized and lied about, make no mistake that it is real, it is almost nation wide at this point, people are pissed off and voicing their anger at how terribly criminal our government has become. Specifically they are angry that the Fed Reserve Bank a private bank and their conglomerates have hijacted our constitution and put our well being in harms way. Enter the hired thugs, in this case the NYPD hired by this bank and others for overtime pay to push down the protest. They have been clubbing people, beating on them, macing them and you get the idea to quell this protest.

Enter a Marine SGT. a native of NYC who after coming back after his second tour in Afhganistan and Iraq witnesses protesters getting beaten on. He voices his anger. After all he has just spent two tours in hell,  98 degree heat toting 75 pounds of gear and facing down AK 47 toting people who would like nothing more than to kill him. He returns home after this duty of "defending freedom," defending the constitution to see this crap on the streets of Manhattan. What do you think his reaction will be?

Find out here.

I once heard a description of what the word Patriot means. I can not recall the source but it said "The definition of a Patriot is one who is willing to defend the constitution from enemy's be they foreign or domestic." In this case I think it is clear who the enemies are...

Gold and Silver Update 10/19/11


Submitted by: Francis Soyer

This week Gold and Silver are in the throws of the same B.S. different day. Every month the Fed, Treasury departments, JPM, HSBC do basically the same thing. They hammer gold and silver as best as possible to signal to the market that all is well. This is especially true during options expiration which is this Friday and all those who are seeking the cash in on a bull move (novice investors) using options for leverage get their asses handed to them as their call options expire worthless. Those call options almost always written by the likes of the banking power houses JPM and HSBC not to mention the Fed and Treasury departments around the world especially this week with more spin, more B.S. of how:


In reference to the above comments out of our Fearless leaders in Europe. Simply put there is not a snowballs chance in hell that the Euro will survive. They will continue to Spin, Kick the Can Down the Road and outright Lie rite to our faces up until the moment Greece defaults and the rest of the Union follows suit. The nail in the coffin will be when Germany announces they are abandoning membership to the Union all together. Bond Holders, Equity Holders and anyone and everything denominated in Euros will make a mass exodus and that exodus will be into the U.S.D. still the world reserve currency. This will cause a spike in relative val in the U.S.D. stocks will crumble initially. There will be a quiet before the next storm (about two or three weeks) when all eyes will focus on the USD and how the U.S. is also about to default on its debt i.e. debt ceiling increases needed in December 2011.

So what do you think will happen to gold and silver when that happens? They are going to go through the freaking roof is what is going to happen. So in the meantime let them play their games. Do not try to day trade the markets are way too rigged with HFT algos (High Frequency Trading Algorithms) and the likes of JPM and HSBC trying desperately to do the bidding of the treasury and Fed Banks around the world to try to send that signal that all is well.

Looking at the raw mechanics of the last few trading sessions enclosed the reports from someone I respect and the link.
The total gold comex OI fell by a rather large 7652 contracts from 445,391 to 437,739 contracts as the bankers succeeded again in knocking out some weak gold longs.  However the front delivery month of October saw its OI RISE by 3 contracts despite zero deliveries yesterday.  We thus gained more gold standing and lost nothing to cash settlements.  The big December gold month saw its OI fall by almost 10,000 contracts from 275,361 to 264,187.  This no doubt pleased the JPMorgan higher echelon.  The estimated volume today was on a shallow end at 112,082.  The confirmed volume yesterday was huge at 206,356.
It seems that in order to manipulate the price lower they need massive non backed paper to do their dirty work.

The total silver comex OI surprised everyone by rising by 753 contracts to 103,357 from 102,604.
The JPMorgan boys are not enthralled with this development as they thought that they were gaining some headway in removing weaker longs.  It seems that the higher margin requirements have knocked out just about all of our leverage players leaving just the physical players who do not care about margin requirements and are ready to take delivery.  The front options expiry month of October surprisingly rose from 127 to 146 for a gain of  19 contracts.  We had 4 deliveries yesterday so we gained 23 contracts of silver standing or 115,000 oz and lost nothing to cash settlements.  The big December contract failed to go along with its older cousin gold by remaining relatively constant at 60,041.  The estimated volume today was still very low at 49,794.  The confirmed volume yesterday, the day of the big raid came in at 60,179.