Friday, September 16, 2011

World Situtation Update 09/15/11

Submitted by: Francis Soyer

There are a few things in the works that investment advisors and or just plain investors should be aware of for the month of September. Below a breakdown of the events to follow for the rest of this month.

9/21/11 Fed Reserve Board scheduled to meet and render decision on interest rates and a possible nother round of quantitative easing. If they do go ahead with another program expect a short term bounce in stocks, and precious metals and the dollar to get murdered.

9/22/11 UN resolution on Palestine and Israel and whethor or not the UN will mandate the border to be drawn between Israel and Palestine once and for all to prohibit Israel from its continous encroachment into Palestinian land. Expect this resolution to fail. However also expect retaliation from Egypt, Syria, Turkey and Iran as they have made it clear and in no un certain terms that they are sick of seeing palestinian civilians be murdered almost on a daily basis and that if the UN does not act THEY WILL. The armies of the above listed as I write this are amassing on the borders of Egypt, Syria and Turkey. The Iranians have deployed their Navy off the coast of Israel and their floatilla hardware is that of offensive capability.

9/27/11 Oboma will be visiting Denver Colorado to promote his jobs plan or at least that is what his press core is reporting. The EU times however is reporting something far different and much more disturbing:

Obama Ordered To Denver Bunker By US Military
Posted by EU Times on Sep 14th, 2011

A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport.
Under the SALT I Strategic Nuclear Arms Control Agreement signed between Russia and the US, both parties are required to notify the other in all cases of such maximum readiness drills occurring, but are not required to state their reasons for doing so.
The full article here:

CNN Reports Michael Shoyer former CIA Counter Intellegence Officer confirms President Obama has secretly authorized covert operations in Lybia and that the agenda for those operations is to throw out Khadafi and seize the countries oil.

The video here:

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